Elektra KB

Elektra KB is a Colombian artist born in Odessa, Ukraine currently based in Berlin.

I am developing a body of work –focused on transculturality and mobility– across multiple mediums such as: performance, photography, video and works on fabric. My project entails research on migrant women (Including transgender women)  from post-colonial societies currently living in Berlin.

The concept stems from an autobiographic narrative, and responding to my history as a migrant woman living in Berlin as well. Berlin is a mutant city, where east meets west. I aim to collaborate with other migrant women (currently Latin-American) who have left their countries due to a variety of reasons from: existential, economical, and psychological to political persecution. I have been interviewing women on video, who share their experiences as “the other”.

These are expressed verbally and through drawings, which I use to create collaborative pieces. I interpret the images and create textile and photo based works, where I perform the experiences shared and stitch them together in an assemblage and collage manner. I build an archive with their drawings and a photographic portrait. My aim is to create two-dimensional works, a documentary with a collection of the interviews, and performances documented on video and on photographs.